- Information and Public Relations
- Creative Corner
- Department of Environment, Science & Technology
- DIT Himachal
- Excise and Taxation Department Himachal Pradesh
- H.P. State Electricity Board Limited
- Himachal General Administration Department
- Himachal Pradesh Finance Department
- Himachal Pradesh Kaushal Vikas Nigam
- Open Forum
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- हिमाचल प्रदेश स्वास्थ्य विभाग
DIT Himachal

The Department of Information Technology (DIT) has been created in January 2004 to ensure the process of furthering the development of IT in the State. The Department would strive for: Formulation and Implementation of the Information Technology Policy in the state.
Introduction of automation and cybernation control systems so as to ensure faster information processing
within Government, including projects and activities relating to e-Governance.
Promotion of investment in Information Technology Sector (hardware, software and services-particularly ITES
and BPO) and related activities and creation and up gradation of Information Technology infrastructure in
the State.