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Citizens stranded in Himachal or in other states can apply for COVID e-pass
Start Date: 08-05-2020
End Date: 30-05-2020
Citizens who desire to come in or go out of Himachal Pradesh and do not have vehicles should register themselves on http://covid19epass.hp.gov.in and they need not to apply ...
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Gajjan Singh 4 years 9 months ago
Till now interstate movement of essential services of pharma industry employee not allowed from HP border at Sirmour who working at Dehradun Uttarakhand why although movement started in Solan at BBN industries area. Plz make it uniform across the state.
Gajjan Singh 4 years 9 months ago
Sir one more request plz create online pass portal for industrial employee for interstate movement on daily basis because it will not practical to get passs for movement from DM with so much time consuming and also at high risk for peoples as per social distance-learning norms. Plz consider if possible thanks once again
Gajjan Singh 4 years 9 months ago
Sir I am employee of pharmaceutical industry at neighbouring state Uttrakhand at Selaqui , now as per new guidelines for interstate movement of employees of neighbouring states I have to join the duty but Same procedure for interstate movement was not applied in Distt Sirmour as in Distt Solan for BBN industries why such differentiation between two didistt. Of same state Himachal Pradesh.it should be same for all industries and distt. Thanks sir
deepu 4 years 9 months ago
कृपया करके सर मेरी मदद करें मैं चंडीगढ़ में रहता हूं और मेरा बेटा जो केवल 12 साल का है वह हिमाचल प्रदेश धर्मशाला में फस गया है मैं उसे वापस चंडीगढ़ लाना चाहता हूं प्लीज मेरी मदद करें
deepu 4 years 9 months ago
Deepu kumar
Dheeraj Kumar 4 years 9 months ago
Currently, the biggest problem of all states is the corona virus. It has become very important to get rid of it. Coronavirus has not yet reached the villages. It is also very important that it should not be allowed to reach the villages or else a huge problem may arise which will be out of government and healthy control and it will take a formidable form. Others coming from states should be kept away from the village. Quarantine should be done for them outside the village and necessary mater
Dheeraj Kumar 4 years 9 months ago
It has become very important that the villages be saved from this epidemic. For this, it is necessary that every migrant laborer has a corona check and they should be kept in quarantine. The second thing is that the migrant laborers who are leaving on foot should be stopped there and arrangements should be made to eat and drink there. Or they should arrange vehicles and leave them at their home.
Gajjan Singh 4 years 9 months ago
Himachal Pradesh and Uttrakhand state border should be open for employees of both states who belongs to border line distt for their duty .thanks
Gajjan Singh 4 years 9 months ago
As per MHA guidelines Himachal Pradesh govt Should allow employee of the PHARMACIt of Uttrakhand at Selaqui Pharmacity for job so that they can start their job . Who belongs to border line distt at Sirmour and this should be in agreement with Uttrakhand govt. It will save many jobs of the employee and their families.thanks
Ajay kumar 4 years 9 months ago
हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार में आभार व्यक्त करता हूं कि आपके द्वारा संचालित ही पास व्यवस्था बहुत ही सराहनीय कार्य है तथा लोगों को इसका लाभ मिल रहा है लोग अपने घर तक पहुंच पा रहे हैं धन्यवाद